Jordan Swartz


The concept of "the search" is not a new own & this is my own take. My photographs are mere mile markers, remnants of people & places seen.

Destination: Anywhere


we are outlaws of the modern west

begging for a fix

dusty deserts licking veins & burning bones

beneath a purple skied lust

we carved our dreams deep in the dashboard

cursing could’ves & should’ves

in search of hearts that sing like roman candles

with six strings & cracked voices

pressing hard against passing window panes

in search of skylines

promising graveyard destinations

& we will keep swearing forever

til we can hold the horizon tight between our teeth

& kiss the one girl we’ve always loved but never told


It’s like the quest for the Holy Grail

Well who gives a shit what the Holy Grail is

It’s the quest that’s important

-Yvon Chouinard


A good traveler has no fixed plans

& is not intent on arriving

- Lao-Tzu

Series Title/Theme: 

Destination- Anywhere

Future Aspirations: 

Post graduation plans include an extended road trip with hopes of reaching Alaska & lots of wandering.