Diana Sutherland


180 Degrees South, Exquisite Pain, Notes From Underground, and music etc.

Dry Rot

These photographs serve as an anchor for me to move through a moment in my life that seems to be at a standstill. There is this inner decay building up inside and the want to rid myself of this exhausted mold that has shaped me thus far. I want to rediscover the authenticity of life. It is a common thread for the individual; some universal longing for a genuine experience, a real adventure. Through collaborative text from anonymous individuals and me, raw emotion is manifested. So I send out a message for you to write anonymously:

I am looking for you to: Write as if this is an encounter with a person, a stranger. Present your ideas of the world to me. Tell me a story, speak with truth, or make up a lie. Think about your first date, or talking to a therapists, or if Grandma asked you, "What is going on in your life?"  What would you say? Tell me about the choices in life you have made, what impacts you, anything. Are you happy? Are you in love? Are you bored? Length of this doesn't matter. The style of writing is up to you as well. Please just email me your response. Thanks in advance for doing this!


Future Aspirations: 

Find a stable environment to work for the money needed to experience and then go. Graduate School possibly in the near future for Anthropology.